This is an old revision of the document!

Frequently asked questions

Sign-up for this mailing list to stay updated on new batches.

We are a small company and we don't want to sacrifice the quality by speeding up our manufacturing process or outsourcing. That means that we unfortunately have to close our pre-orders once in a while, so we can get some time to serve the current customers.

There are no exact estimates on dates of future batches. Please keep your eye on the mailing-list.

Shipping schedule (as of 25. 4. 2016)

Product Scheduled shipping estimate
Elektrosluch Mini DIY kit, Elektrouši End of April 2016
Elektrosluch 3+, Elektrouši End of May 2016

If your order combines products with various shipping estimates, it will be shipped according to the later one. If you have any questions or address change requests, please contact us via support ticket.