====== Sound Devices MixPre knob ====== {{https://cdn.shopify.com/s/files/1/2504/1982/products/mixpreknobs_2048x2048.jpg?400|}}\\ **Specs**: 12 mm diamater, 10.5 mm height, 8.5 mm internal diameter\\ The knob is friction-fitted on the original knob, no need to modify your device. Compatible with MixPre 3, 6, 10T and 10M.\\ [[https://www.dropbox.com/s/4xp44v5ls869f85/mixpre_knob_v1_2.stl?dl=0|Download version 1.2 (*.stl)]] • [[https://lom-label.myshopify.com/products/mixpre-knob|Get one from us]]\\ Extending the knob increases risk of damaging the original encoder when dropped, since the knob is protruding over the edge of the protective corners. Use at your own discretion. ===== Old versions ===== [[https://www.dropbox.com/s/v9cyjdnjk9ceh56/mixpre_knob_v1.stl?dl=1|Download version 1.0 (*.stl)]] ([[https://i.imgur.com/O1p3JsF.jpg|picture of this old version]])\\